A nightmare comedy about a school counselor whose compassion, generosity and dedication destroy the lives of everyone around him.
Santiago Vasquez as Santiago
Ramone Armstrong as Luther
Matthew Stathas as Blitz
Eric Logan as Ro-Tel
Patti Myers as Blitz's Mom
Elisa James as Heather
Josh Fadem as Soldier One
Walter Coppage as Luther's Dad
Jerimiah Rozzo as Mr. Peacock
Betsy Gran as Betsy
Karen Lipps as Eladio's Wife
Mike Millhouse as Mike
Devon Danner as Pateek
Josh Tolley as Eladio
Daniel Alatorre as Kid
Julia Ruddy as Petal
Sean Hill as Luther's Mom
Paul Burns as Victim
Paul Pattison as Jenkem Guy
Shannon Michalski as Mother-To-Be
Chris Mohler as Teacher / Lazy Guy / Cop
Cole Guttormsen as Culprit
Stuart Scott Smith as Soldier Two
Leonore Jurado as Lupita
Carl Conway as Malled Man / Banjo Player
Jim Schweers as Jim Schweers
Ross Singer as Principal
Alberto Mercado Ortiz as Mr. Choki
Kianna Marie Aberry as Choir
Felipe Alcala as Doorman
Alejandra Alejandre as Choir
Miguel Alvares as Security
Mitzi Alvidrez as Choir
Lisa Aquino as Audience
Tiffany Barboso as Choir
Si-Anna Bernett as Choir
Donte L. Berry as Gateway Highstepper
Bryan Block as Choir
Michael Boyice as Choir
Amelia Brightwell as Choir
Donovan Brown as Choir
Bubba as Self
Cydney Bushue as Choir
Jeremiah Butner as Choir
Ashleigh Byers as Choir
Laura Bynum as Choir
Juan Carlos Caceres as Club Owner
Marvin Caldwell as Audience
Denise Carter as Choir
Samantha Carter as Choir
Richard Cassidy as Choir
James Cate as Choir
Tomas Ceva as Choir
Champ as Mall Dog
Giovanna Chavez as Choir
Anthony Clark as Choir
Trent Coffin as Pet Shop Boy
Tatiana Coleman as Audience
Julian Calderon Contreras as Choir
Steven Couch as Audience
Thom Coy as Audience
Cordon Cullins as Choir
Arin Curtiss as Choir
Randy Dalton as Audience
LaDarius Davis as Gateway Highstepper
Laveda Davis as Gateway Highstepper
Jessica de la Paz as Choir
José Joel Delgado Velasquez as Musician
Dre Diaz as Audience
Charlie Doak as Student
Georgia Doak as Student
Shari Doak as Teacher
Jamea Dotson as Gateway Highstepper
Isaac James Emerson as Football Player
Greta Erhardt as Audience
Tomas Escarpita as Choir
Jennifer Espy as Student
Bobbie Sue Flowers as Audience
Sonny Gaitan as Audience
Gabriela Gandara as Choir
Juan Carlos Garcia as Musician
Lina Garcia as Choir
Phil Gastl as Businessman
Felipa de Jesus Gaucho as Security
Anthony Gay Jr. as Audience
Dani Gerding as Clog Dancer
Abby Gergick as Choir
Lori Gillin as Audience
Lori Gillin as Choir
Ricardo Gonzalez as Choir
Briana Grodon as Choir
Kamyree Gordon as Choir
Chelsea Green as Choir
Allison Gregory as Choir
Kayla Gregory as Choir
Cathleen Grissom as Choir
Ernest Hall as Coach
Heaven Hanson as Choir
Natasha Hays as Audience
Erin Henderson as Choir
William Henderson as Coach
Jesse James Hernandez as Audience
Veronica Hernandez as TV Singer
Juaquan Herron as Audience
Quinten Hildebrandt as Choir
Cydnee Hollinshed as Choir
Alexis Humphrey as Audience
Jaden M. Hutchingson as Football Player
Justin D. Hutchingson as Coach
Alex Johnson as Onlooker
Andrea Johnson as Choir
Lisa Johnson as Onlooker
Cariajh Jones as Choir
Matt Joslin as Audience
Viviana Lauderdale as Audience
Stephanie Lawrence as Audience
Angela Leeper as Loiterer
Pete Licata as Cop
Dominique Liddell as Choir
Christian Lobatón as Choir
J. Trinidad Lopez as Security
Estevan D. Lozanao as Football Player
Lucky as Mall Dog
Monique Manning as Gateway Highstepper
Miguel Martinez as Taco Chef
Tylar Matthews as Choir
Jacqueline Mays as Customer
Lauren Mays as Girl With Sparkler
Marcela Mendoza as Soup Eater
Marcela Mendoza as Choir
Ben Miller as Choir
Chadrick E. Miller as Audience
Faith Miller as Choir
Michaela Millham as Choir
Brie Morrow as Gateway Highstepper
Xavier Morrow as Gateway Highstepper
Damon Murguia as Choir
Alexis Myers as Choir
Brett Nave as Choir
Darian J. Nave as Gateway Highstepper
Phuong Ngyyen as Choir
Lexis Noel as Audience
Frank Oakley III as Audience
Marien Ortiz as Choir
Ciara Parks as Student
Sydnei Patton as Choir
Dianne Paukstelis as Audience
Heather Pauley as Choir
Gustavo Pena as Choir
Angela Penrose as Audience
Alex Perez as Choir
Angel Estuardo Lemus Perez as Delberto
Mach Henderson Pheoniz as Football Player
Jonathan Piedimonte as Businessman
Evan Lee Pigg as Audience
Jesus Quintanilla as Choir
Emilio L. Ramirez as Football Player
Cameron P. Randolph as Football Player
Krystal Reed as Choir
Zarriah Reed as Choir
Andres Borja Reyes as Musician
Brenda Reyes as Choir
William 'Dusty' Rhodes as Driver
Rey Rivera as Choir
Felipe Rodriguez as Security
Nerissa Rogers as Choir
Zak Roland as Audience
Anthony Rozine as Choir
Manuel Sanchez as Football Player
Maria Sandate as Choir
Jennifer Schue as Audience
Karina Solis as Choir
Spot as Mall Dog
Sophia Strickland as Choir
Ashley Struzzo as Choir
LaCherish Thompson as Choir
Maya Tilman as Choir
Terra Toledo as Soloist
Candice Townsend as Choir
Lydia Trefz as Audience
Christina Tynkevych as Choir
Pazong Vang as Choir
Chauntrell Venable as Audience
Kent Vos as Audience
Chapin Wallace as Businessman
Taylor Wallace as Banjo Player
John E. Ware as Gatekeeper
Tanner Willmon as Football Player
Jennifer Wilson as Choir
J. Bryan Winston as Audience
Vernon Woodard as Choir
John Yuelkenbeck as Audience
Elias Zambrano as Football Player
Leo Zambrano as Football Player
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