It is 1654, in the South of France. When horsemen follow a runaway slave into the convent where he's taken sanctuary and kill both the fugitive and the Mother Superior, they little realise that one of the novices is the spirited daughter of retired musketeer D'Artagnan.
Sophie Marceau as Eloïse d'Artagnan
Philippe Noiret as D'Artagnan
Claude Rich as Duca di Crassac
Sami Frey as Aramis
Jean-Luc Bideau as Athos
Raoul Billerey as Porthos
Charlotte Kady as Eglantine de Rochefort
Nils Tavernier as Quentin La Misère
Gigi Proietti as Giulio Mazarino
Jean-Paul Roussillon as Planchet
Stéphane Legros as Luigi XIV di Francia
Maria Pitarresi as Olympe
Guilherme Filipe as Duke of Condé
João Lagarto as Jules
Filipe Ferrer as Conti
Canto e Castro as Principal Singing Monk
Carlos César as Innkeeper
François Levantal as Le courtisan joueur
Pascale Roberts as La mère supérieure
Emmanuelle Bataille as Soeur Félicité
Christine Pignet as Soeur Céline
Fabienne Chaudat as Soeur Frédégonde
Josselin Siassia as L'esclave
Jean-Claude Calon as Le marchand d'esclaves
Stéphane Legros as Le roi Louis XIV
Jean Martinez as Le duc de Longueville
Patrick Rocca as Bargas
Fanny Aubert as Soeur Huguette
Albert Goldberg as Associate
François Levantal as Courtier
Michèle Alexandre as Le hallebardier
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