Bernard Bottle, a mild mannered art buyer, is fired by his greedy boss, abandoned by his girlfriend and discovers a genie in an old bottle. The genie immediately embraces the modern world and helps Bernard on the side.
Lenny Henry as Josephus the Genie
Alan Cumming as Bernard Bottle
Rowan Atkinson as Charles Pinkworth
John Gabriel as Wizard
Kevin Allen as Kevin
Denis Lill as Frank Kepple
Angela Clarke as Carrie
Janet Henfrey as Miss Purse
Marcia Ashton as Miss Temple
Trevor Laird as PC Parker
Gary Whelan as Officer
Bob Geldof as Himself
Melvyn Bragg as Himself
Trevor McDonald as Newscaster
Gary Lineker as Himself
Andrée Bernard as Judy
David Forman as Leonardo
Vincent Hanna as Reporter
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