It's 1984 and an inner city youth group goes on a one week camping trip. Its the first time they have been out of the city and the new kid is keeping a huge secret form the guys.
Dylan Anderson as Corey
Brooke Andreson as Fan Girl 3
Meaghan Bourdeau as Fan Girl 2
Zoe Donovan as Jenny
Ryan Hocking as Kyle
Talon Iezzi-Storm as Dale
Owen Kelly as Dale
Dimitri Komocsi as Kelly
Nolan Kurg as Zack
Seth Kwiatkowski as Robert Nickels
Connor Laidman as Camp Kid
Kaleb Laidman as Henry
Kiera Laidman as Fan Girl 4
Jacob Lajoie as Eric
Brad Linton as Baker
Tristan Moore as Fan Girl 1
Jonah Rava as Dave
Tyler Robinson as Wayne
Ella Shestowsky as Debbie
Tye Shestowsky as Greg
Austin K. Stoddart as Bert (as Austin Studdart)
Manny Tawo as Joe
Noah Donovan as Chris
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