« How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood ? » A tongue twister is a sentence with much alliterations and is complicated to pronounce. A tongue twister must be spoken quickly and repeated a few times. Langage breaks down between and meaning. This film is a linguistic game between sound and meaning and a portrait of the linguistic reality of Berkeley. Many American people recite tongue twisters in diffrent languages and/or in English as second language : German, Englsih, Arabic, Armenian, Assyrian, Mandarin, Korean, Croatian, Spanish, French, Hebrew, Japonese, Farsi, Portuguese, Tagalog, Vietnamese.
Kea Anderson as
Laura Altieri as
Mike Arcega as
Lindsay L. Benedict as
Félix Bullot as
Judith Butler as
Xiaoning Cai as
Ali Dadgar as
Naira Der Kiureghian as
Samera Esmeir as
Nadine Hochouche as
Gab-Soon Kang as
Catherine Malabou as
Targol Mesbah as
Indira Mesihovic as
Ramona Naddaff as
Minh Quang Nguyễn as
Junko Rose as
Rosi Reyes as
Ramina Sarmicanic as
Aya Shimano-Bardai as
Geana Sieburger as
Ann Smock as
William Smock as
Jackie Yen as
Made by edimario