Externally, they could be twins. But really only outwardly: the unemployed, disillusioned toolmaker Erwin Strunz and the dynamic, power-infested Prime Minister Uwe Achimsen. There's the inevitable confusion - and everyone thinks Erwin is for Prime Minister Achimsen. Rainer Kaufmann staged the fast-paced confusion comedy with Wolfgang Stumph, Katja Riemann and Katharina Thalbach in the leading roles.
Wolfgang Stumph as Erwin Strunz / Uwe Achimsen
Katharina Thalbach as Erika Strunz
Katja Riemann as Heide Achimsen
Ingeborg Westphal as Uschi Paschke
Ulrike Krumbiegel as Assistentin
Devid Striesow as Referent Delbrück
Stephanie Stumph as Heike Achimsen
Lutz Blochberger as Arbeitsloser
Manfred Möck as Reinhard Paschke
Hilmar Eichhorn as Sachbearbeiter Arbeitsamt
Esther Esche as Friseuse
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