The whaling captain, Antonio Grez, meets in a bar in the port of Valparaiso a very beautiful woman who lives haunted by the tragic premonition that fate will give her a violent death. Grez takes command of a whaler bound for Cape Horn and Antarctica. In Punta Arenas, the owner of the whaling company embarks on together with his fiancee, who is none other than the mysterious woman with whom Grez has fallen in love. The final route of the ship is the 'Land of Desolation', a place on which there is a curse and everyone knows that, for centuries, is has been fulfilled inexorably.
Jorge Mistral as Capitán Antonio
Silvia Pinal as Jimena
Ángela Pla as
Rafael Bardem as
José Luis Menéndez as
Miriam Thorud as
José Guixe as
Emilio Martínez as
Guillermo Retes as
Emilio Gaete as
Gerardo Grez as
Oscar Huidobro as
Carlos Morris as
Agustín Orrequia as
Eugenio Retes as
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