The plain of Thessaly, 1910. The tenant farmers suffer untold hardships, both from the Arvanites invaders who ravage and seize their possessions and from the chief landlord of the area Stratos Karatzas, who claims the lion’s share of their harvest. The dynamic daughter of one of the tenant farmers, Maya, who is about to get married to a young farmer, Lefteris, leads their struggle for better conditions and confronts Karatzas – as well as his niece Vgenio, who also wants Lefteris. The latter plots and succeeds to separate them. Lefteris leaves for the army and Karatzas persuades Maya to marry him. Lefteris is captured during an ambush set by the Turks, but in the end he is set free and returns to Maya’s arms forever.
Aliki Vougiouklaki as Magia Vali
Kostas Karras as Lefteris
Nikos Galanos as Pantelis Karatzas
Spyros Kalogirou as Stratos Karatzas
Pantelis Zervos as Father Stefanos
Notis Peryalis as Thanasis Dimitrelis
Lavrentis Dianellos as Stamatis Valis
Nonika Galinea as Vgenio
Jenny Zaharopoulou as
Dimitris Bislanis as
Foivos Taxiarhis as
Labros Kotsiris as
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