Newly appointed judge of a small ashore town of Bodrum falls in love with the handsome big shot of the town who is not as innocent as the residents think him of.
Türkan Şoray as Nevin
Kadir İnanır as Ömer
Kadir Savun as
Mahmut Hekimoğlu as
Yıldırım Gencer as
Nubar Terziyan as
Abdi Algül as
Perihan Ateş as
Cevdet Balıkçı as
İhsan Bayraktar as
İhsan Baysal as
Nilgün Ceylan as
Muammer Gözalan as
Yüksel Gözen as
Yaşar Güçlü as
İlhan Hemşeri as
Mürüvvet İşsever as
Gülten Kaya as
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