This special reunion concert will feature original cast members from our very first show (and performers from every StarKid show since), coming together for the first time in a decade to pay tribute to the musical that started it all. Get ready to go back to goblins, and ghosts, and magical beasts, cause to borrow a phrase from an old friend, it's gonna be totally awesome.
Nico Ager as Self
Julia Albain as Self
Clark Baxtresser as Self
Jaime Lyn Beatty as Self
Jeff Blim as Self
Tyler Brunsman as Self
Jamie K. Burns as Self
Richard Campbell as Self
Britney Coleman as Self
Brant Cox as Self
Darren Criss as Self
Denise Donovan as Self
Corey Dorris as Self
Mariah Rose Faith Casillas as Self
Elona Finlay as Self
Nick Gage as Self
Ali Gordon as Self
Brian Holden as Self
A.J. Holmes as Self
Lauren Lopez as Self
Robert Manion as Self
Lily Marks as Self
Jon Matteson as Self
Alle-Faye Monka as Self
Joe Moses as Self
Alex Paul as Self
Jim Povolo as Self
Joey Richter as Self
Brian Rosenthal as Self
Dylan Saunders as Self
Bonnie Socha as Self
Rachael Soglin as Self
Meredith Stepien as Self
Mark Swiderski as Self
Sango Tajima as Self
Carlos Valdes as Self
Joseph Walker as Self
Lauren Walker as Self
Tiffany Williams as Self
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