Bernard, an executive for a big company, tries to get home in time for his wedding but is caught in the middle of a mass suicide. He saves a sect member who then follows him like a puppy, and is chased by the sect leaders, two over-the-top crooks with bloated egos and a craving for money.
Gérard Jugnot as Bernard Leroy
Michèle Laroque as Constance
François Morel as Sébastien
Martin Lamotte as Aimé Solomuka
Jean Yanne as Magic
Micheline Presle as la "mère" de Bernard
Claude Piéplu as le "père" de Bernard
Sophie Desmarets as la mère de Constance
Jacques Jouanneau as le père de Constance
Thierry Lhermitte as Docteur Simpson
Annie Grégorio as Thérèse
Eric Prat as un gendarme
Roland Marchisio as Non crédité
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